Beda Venerabilis, In proverbia Salomonis libri iii

lib. 2, cap. 22


São Leopoldo, UNISINOS Memorial Jesuíta, 72251

General Information

Script, Hands

ca. 1200 Gothic script, with rustic capitals that often descend below the line; two forms of capital N, one bowed (l. 3, Noli esse cum hiis qui defigunt; l. 17: Ne transgrediaris terminos fidei), one with two vertical strokes connected by one (l. 6, Noli esse cum hiis qui se cum essent) or two (l. 17, Ne transgrediaris terminos antiquos) bars. Descender of the g turns into a simple hook; the descender of the q slands slightly to the right.

Original Condition

Width of Written Area 130 – 140 mm
Number of Lines at least 21


  • Content Item
    • Persons Beda Venerabilis
    • Text Language Latin
    • Title In proverbia Salomonis libri III
    • Content Description

      From (ca.) line 193: infirmi quique... to (ca.) line 217: in parte ignobi<lium>.

    • Edition ed. D. Hurst, J.E. Hudson, CCSL 119B, 1983, pp. 23-163.

Host Volume

Title M. Tulli Ciceronis Orationum, Volumen Primum. In usum gymnasiorum societatis iesu.
Date of Origin/Publication 1651
Place of Origin/Publication Dilingae
Shelfmark 72251

Former shelfmarks: XXII 11-80/1

Previously of the Jesuit Biblioteca do colegio maximo in São Leopoldo.