Temporale (Easter); Sanctorale
General Information
Northern Gothica Textualis formata
Original Condition
The first leaf of each bifolium numbered, but the conjugate leaves not numbered.
The text on the bifolia is not consecutive, so none of them was originally the inner bifolium of a quire.
Current Condition
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
Three historiated initials:
Fol. 127r: letter 'R'; Christ rising from the tomb, three sleeping soldiers around him.
Fol. 187r: letter 'D'; the apostles Peter and Paul fishing from a boat in the sea of Galilea.
Fol. 252r: letter 'E'; the twelve apostles; God speaking from a cloud.
Plain initials alternating red and blue (some with pen work); versals; colour stroking; rubrics red and underlined.
Lieftinck has argued on the basis of similarities with a five-volume bible copied at the convent of Agnietenberg by Thomas a Kemps, (Darmstad, Hs. 323) that the missal was copied at Agnietenberg for use of the convent. The art-historical, codicological and historical evidence, however, indicates that the bible was not illuminated at the convent, so there is little evidence to link the missal to the convent as the connection between both relates to the style of the secondary illumination. Both the bible and the fragments of the missal were probably illuminated by artisans based nearby, in Zwolle, or in the wider region of the IJssel.
- De Coo, Jozef, Museum Mayer van den Bergh. Catalogus 1: Schilderijen, verluchte handschriften, tekeningen, derde uitgave, geheel opnieuw bijgewerkt (Antwerpen: Govaerts, 1978), p. 184-185, no. 302.
- Lieftinck, Gerard Isaac, ‘Windesheim, Agnietenberg en Marianborn en hun aandeel in de Noordnederlandse boekverluchting’, in Dancwerc. Opstellen aangeboden aan Prof. Dr. D. Th. Enklaar ter gelegenheid van zijn vijfenzestigste verjaardag (Groningen: J.B. Wolters, 1959), p. 200–201, 203.
- Van Bergen, Saskia, ‘De Meesters van Otto van Moerdrecht. Een onderzoek naar de stijl en iconografie van een groep miniaturisten, in relatie tot de productie van getijdenboeken in Brugge rond 1430’ (unpublished Ph.D., Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2007), p. 385-386.
- Wierda, Lydia, De Sarijs-handschriften: laat-middeleeuwse handschriften uit de IJsselstreek (Zwolle: Waanders, 1995), p. 6 (n. 4), 12, 14, 187.
- Lem, Aafje B., and Lydia S. Wierda, ‘De IJsselstreek’, in Kriezels, aubergines en takkenbossen: randversiering in Noordnederlandse handschriften uit de vijftiende eeuw, ed. by Anne S. Korteweg (’s-Gravenhage: Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum, 1992), p. 117.
- Marrow, James H., Henri L. M. Defoer, Anne S. Korteweg, and Wilhelmina C. M. Wüstefeld, The Golden Age of Dutch Manuscript Painting (Stuttgart: Belser Verlag, 1989), p. 84, no. 24.