Testamentum Novum, cum Glossis Bedae, Hieronymi, et Gregorii
General Information
Praegothica Script.
Note from Otto Ege: The chief interest of this text is the interlinear glosses and commentaries from the writings of Bede, Jerome, Gregory, and other Church Fathers. They were inserted at various times during the following century around a central panel of the orginal text. All the hands are based on the revival of early carolingian minuscule. (This is Ege's terminology for Praegothica Script). This manuscript shows through marks of ownership that it was in Geneva for centuries. It is therefore probably that it was written in Switzerland. The colour and texture of vellum indicate XIIth century--often yellower than those of later date.
Original Condition
Lines from new testament with three separate glosses and commentaries.
Current Condition
Some rows of writing are faded in light brown on verso. Tanning of paper in top and top right corner on recto.
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
Recto has one large P initial in dark brown consistent with the ink colour on all other lettering. Verso has several pilcorws in brown, and glosses have added numbers and abbreviations. The vellum is yellowed, brittle, and cut on all four sides, with some visible follicles. The leaf is lined in either lead or very light ink, but there's no ruling visible with the naked eye. The ink used for the text is brown with some fading. The gloss hands are different from both one another and from the Biblical text, and the Carolingian gloss hand has decorative brackets setting apart each section. Scribal corrections on this leaf include an erasure mark in the middle column on the verso.