Noted missal (miniature of the crucifixion)
General Information
Original Condition
Modern foliation on fol. 2r in pencil.
Current Condition
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
Full-page miniature on fol. 2r depicting the Crucifixion with Virgin Mary and St John. Notable stylistic element are the compactness of the fingers and toes of feet (hands are outlined as ovals, fingers are simple lines); the fine lines of painted gold on the rims of clothes. There is a rather sketchy skull of Adam at the root of the cross. Landscape executed in watercolour technique, with hills covered by scattered knolls of grass and trees and with two groups of towers in the background. The miniature is framed by a red band on three sides and a painted gold frame all around, with the upper side arched.
In the lower margin a golden quadrefoil on blue background, with the inscription: "[…]atem tuam rede[m]ist[i] salva nos domine". Lower part of inscription is lost because of the trimming of the page.
Square notation on staves of four red lins. At the bottom of col. B four lines added by a different hand. Plain versals, alternating in red and blue.
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The page opposite the miniature has the text of the oath sworn by the new guild members. The oath taker would put his hand on the miniature during the ceremony.