Leaf from an antiphoner


Montreal, McGill Library Rare Books and Special Collections, MS Medieval 0072

Remarks by the Editor

Description draws on and adds to that of the McGill library (see Bibliography.)

General Information

Title Leaf from an antiphoner
Shelfmarks MS 0072
Material Parchment
Place of Origin Italy

Original Condition

Page Height at least 530 mm
Page Width at least 350 mm
Number of Columns 1
Number of Lines at least 6

f. 71 (in arabic numerals) 

Current Condition

Dimensions 530 x 350 mm
More about the Current Condition

Cleanly cut out of binding. Odd black smudges in the upper margin on the recto. 

Book Decoration and Musical Notation


Per McGill's catalog: "Decoration: chants 2-4 begin with a large initial in red and/or blue inks ; chant 5 (O sapientia, one of the Great 'O' Antiphons (Antiphonae Majores)) begins with a large ornately decorated O in yellow, red, blue grean and brown inks, incorporating a floral motif."

  • Musical Notation

    Square notation on a four-line red staff, with upward pointing custos. Both psalm incipits and differentiae given. 

  • History


    Probably Dominican.
