Petrus Lombardus, Collectanea in omnes Pauli apostoli Epistulas

Ad Hebraeos, cap. 11


Toruń, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, Ob.6.II.906

General Information

Title Petrus Lombardus, Collectanea in omnes Pauli apostoli Epistulas
Shelfmarks Ob.6.II.906
Material Parchment
Date of Origin 1200-1250

Original Condition

Page Width at least 255 mm
Width of Written Area at least 180 mm
Number of Columns 2
Width of Columns 70 – 77 mm
Line Height 5 – 10 mm

Current Condition

Dimensions 180 x 255

Book Decoration and Musical Notation


Two-line alternating red and blue lombard initials at the beginning of the verses of the letter to the Hebrews


  • Content Item
    • Persons
    • Text Language Latin
    • Content Description

      Back cover, spine: [Petrus Lombardus, Ad Hebraeos, cap. 11, PL 192, col. 496: Quasi dicat: Ideo non fuit veritus, quia invisibilem, id est Deum quem non videbat, tanquam videns, id est ac si vide]ret, sustinuit, et in eo confidit exspectans quod promiserat, et ideo non. <F>ide celebravit Pascha et sanguinis effusionem ne qui vastabat primitiva, tangeret eos [Heb 11,28]... >< est per fidem qua credebant Deo promittenti, transierunt per mare R[ubrum]

      front cover: [Ad Hebraeos, cap. 11, PL 192, col. 497: Madianit]as cum 300 viris, expugnavit que eos noctu... Humiliavit ergo Deus die illo Iabin regem Chanaan coram filiis Israel. Et de Sanson, qui ut legitur in libro Iudicum afflixit vehementer Phylistheos. Et de Iepte, qui cum iret ad pugnam contra hostes vovit Domino, quoniam [si triumphum de hostibus daret].

    • _65A9957_r
    • Edition Petrus Lombardus, Collectanea in omnes Pauli apostoli Epistulas, in: Patrologiae cursus completus... Series secunda, vol. 192, col. 496-497.





The host volume comes from the collection of David Bläsing (1660-1719, see ex-libris on the front pastedown), a student of the University in Leipzig, professor of mathematics and philosophy at the University in Königsberg, who donated his collection of 3000 volumes to the University Library (see also fragments Pol.6.II.724-732, Ob.6.II.1838-1843, Ob. 6.II.2389-2393).

In the years 1827-1944 the volume belonged to the Royal (then State) and University Library in Königsberg. Then, as a result of the evacuation of the most valuable collections of the library and the change of state borders after the second world war, the evacuated books (among them the host volume) found themselves in the territory of the Polish state. In July 1946, by the decision of the Ministry of Education, they were transferred to the University Library in Toruń.

Persons and Institutions 1. David Bläsing (1660-1719); 2. University Library in Königsberg; 3. Royal (since 1918: State) and University Library in Königsberg (1827-1944); 3. University Library in Toruń

Host Volume

Title Warhafftige vnd Christliche Widerholung der Lehr vom H. Abendmal... Durch Herrn Wolffgang Amling Superintendenten zu Zerbst im Fürstenthumb Anhalt, Amberg M.D.XCVI. (VD16 ZV 515)
Date of Origin/Publication 1596
Place of Origin/Publication Amberg
Shelfmark Ob.6.II.906


  • J. Tondel, Książka w dawnym Królewcu Pruskim (The book in the former Königsberg of Prussia), Toruń 2001, p. 286-287.