Pseudo-Anselmus Cantuariensis, Planctus Mariae et Anselmi de passione Domine, Middle Dutch translation
Mechelen, Stadsarchief Mechelen, Verzameling van literaire fragmenten, Album I, voorlopig nr. 4/2

Roos in't Velt, Vlaamse Erfgoedbibliotheken, 2023 (Born Digital)
General Information
Title Anselmus Cantuariensis, <i>Planctus Mariae et Anselmi de passione Domine</i>, Middle Dutch translation
Shelfmarks Mechelen, Stadsarchief Mechelen, Verzameling van literaire fragmenten, Album I, voorlopig nr. 4/2
Material Parchment
Place of Origin Low Countries
Date of Origin third quarter of the 14th century
Script, Hands
Northern gothica textualis libraria, one hand. Fol. [1]r contains a later-added annotation ('ter meest') in a different Gothic hand.
Original Condition
Page Height 93 mm
Page Width 66 mm
Number of Columns 1
Number of Lines 13
Current Condition
Extent 1 bifolium
Dimensions 93 x 66 mm (page)
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
Ornamental versal with decorated with a heraldic motif (gules a cross silver) on fol. [1]v. Red colour stroking.
- Content Item
- Persons Pseudo-Anselmus Cantuariensis
- Text Language Middle Dutch
- Title Pseudo-Anselmus Cantuariensis, <i>Dialogus beatae Mariae et Anselmi de passione Domini</i>, Middle Dutch translation
- Remarks
Fragment contains Dutch quotations of the Four Gospels, which are possibly derived from the Southern Netherlandish translation of the Gospels (written ca. 1300).
Host Volume
Title Ledger ('kasboek') of the city of Mechelen, for the years 1410-1411
Date of Origin/Publication 1410-1411
Place of Origin/Publication Mechelen
The fragment was used in the binding. It was removed from the binding in 1989.
- Sleiderink, Remco, ‘Op zoek naar Middelnederlandse literatuur in het Mechelen van de veertiende eeuw. Een tussenbalans’, Handelingen van de Koninklijke Kring voor Oudheidkunde, Letteren en Kunst van Mechelen, 114 (2010), 46.