Lectionary for wedding? of the Ambrosian rite
General Information
Gothic Southern textualis
Original Condition
Current Condition
The bifolium underwent restoration in the 1980's, when the archive was under the supervision of Monsignor Ercole Agnoletti. The parchment wrapper was detached from the host volume, stretched, tears and gaps repaired with Japanese paper.
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
Title and indications to the celebrant rubricated. Initials (2-line) alternating in red and blue. On the verso are still visible some guide letters and guide titles to the rubricator.
Content Item
- Text Language Latin
- Title Lectionary
Content Description
Recto: Incipit: …breve….orationem …. usque ad septuagesima
Letter of Sain Paul the apostle to the Romans 12,6-16 Habentes donationes…
Explicit: cum omnes virtutes eiusdem. Secundum Iohannem
Verso: Incipit: Giovanni 2,1-11 …et die tertio nuptiae factae sunt in Cana Galilaeae et erat mater Iesu ibi] vocatus est autem ibi et Iesus et discipuli eius ad nuptias.
Officium: Jubilate deo
Secreta: Oblata de munera
Communio: Dixit dominus implete
Post Communionem: Augeat in nobis
Dominica tercia post Epiphaniam introitus: Adorate deum omnes angeli
Explicit: et exultaverunt sive filie Iude. Psalmus: Dominus
The upper margin is trimmed, some lines of text possibly missing.
Host Volume
The host volume was detached in the past and collected with others. The exact collocation has to be determined.