General Information
The fragment is written in a praegothica.
Original Condition
No numbering visible.
The original height is estimated with the procedure of J.P. Gumbert’s statistical research on page dimensions of manuscripts. He has shown that the ratio of height to width generally lies between 0.60 and 0.80. The estimated minimum height is 477 mm.
Current Condition
The reuse of the fragment as frisket sheet has led to a text in red ink printed on one side of the parchment and cut-away holes for the parts of the text to be printed in red. The printed text is perpendicular to the earlier layer of writing. Water damage has led to the parchment having shrunk on one side.
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
The fragment has plain initials and rubrics red as decoration.
Host Volume
The fragment was first used as a frisket sheet and then used as a quire guard in the binding of De institutione oratoria libri XII written by M. Fabius Quintilianus printed in Paris in 1549 (Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience, C 1067).