Bede, Homiliae in Evangelium; Hrabanus Maurus, Homiliae in Evangelium

Measurements and details regarding the host volume have been provided by Eliana Gasbarri and Laura Rogari (Biblioteca Comunale Sperelliana).
General Information
One scribe writing in a mature Carolingian minuscule.
This large parchment leaf (2 columns divided into 54 lines each) preserves a fragment from a homiliary. Its first part transmits Bede’s Homiliae Evangelii 32, followed towards the end by the beginning of Hrabanus Maurus’ Homiliae Evangelii 107.
The first line of the fragment reads at the top of the leaf, col. 1, reads: legale sacerdotium tacitis cerimoniarum suarum. The final line at the bottom, col. 2, has: usque laborantes multa hominum milia. verbo.
The script is a Carolingian minuscule datable to the twelfth century and possibly produced in an Italian scriptorium. Red ink is used at the end of Bede's Homily and an illuminated capital (blue, red, and yellow) decorates the beginning of Hrabanus Maurus' Homily.
The fragment is still in situ. The writing on the spine has faded and a digitisation under UV light has been attempted to enhance its legibility.