Collection of decretals


Antwerpen, Rijksarchief te Antwerpen, Verzameling Losse Aanwinsten, nr. 15.13

General Information

Title Collection of decretals
Shelfmarks Antwerp, Rijksarchief te Antwerpen, Verzameling Losse Aanwinsten, nr. 15.13
Former Shelfmarks nr. 16
Material Parchment
Date of Origin s. XIV
Script, Hands

Main text in a northern gothica textualis libraria (s. XIV)

Glosses in a northern gothica textualis currens (s. XIV). The execution of the letter 'a' alternates between a single and double compartment letter 'a'. However, this is probably the results of small and rapid writing.

Later additions in lower margins of fol. [1]r and [1]v (probably s. XVII)

Original Condition

Page Height at least 278 mm
Page Width at least 167 mm
Height of Written Area at least 180 mm
Width of Written Area 125 – 130 mm
Number of Columns 2
Width of Columns 60 – 63 mm
Number of Lines at least 49
Line Height 3 – 4 mm
Ruling Full lead-point ruling
More about the Condition

The minimum page width was estimated on the basis of a minimum aspect ratio of 0.6. Since the original manuscript probably had a lay-out of 2 columns per page, the width of the written area was estimated accordingly.

Current Condition

Dimensions 278 x 120 (mm)
More about the Current Condition

The minimum page width was estimated on the basis of a minimum aspect ratio of 0.6

Book Decoration and Musical Notation


Versals (red, blue), plain initials (blue, red), rubrics (red)


  • Content Item
    • Text Language Latin
    • Title Collection of decretals



See below: Host volume.

Host Volume


Host volume unknown. The parchment strip probably functioned as a guard of the first or last quire of a book or codicological unit. Only a small part of the strip was around the quire. The other, larger part must therefore have been at the front or back of the book or codicological unit. It was not pasted since the strip contains notes on both sides (and does not show any glue residues). It was therefore probably a kind of flyleaf. Fol. [1]r contains an inscription (probably s. XVII) which could refer to the owner of the host volume (surname): "Beverlinck". The additions on fol. [1]v are heavily faded.