Jan van Boendale, Der leken spiegel
Book 4, Chapter 4, verses 4-83

Additional information about the scribe kindly provided by Era Gordeau.
General Information
Northern gothica textualis formata.
Original Condition
Medieval (or early modern?) foliation using Roman numerals ('xxxvij') in upper left corner of verso side.
Current Condition
One strip of the inner margin has been preserved. Fragment consists of three separate parts, of which two have been stuck together with adhesive tape and one being loose.
Verso side contains remains of paper, making part of the text difficult to read.
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
No decoration visible.
- Content Item
- Persons Jan van Boendale
- Text Language Middle Dutch
- Title <i>Der leken spiegel</i>
- Content Description
Middle Dutch didactic poem, book 4. Mentioned verses corresponding to the edition by Matthias de Vries.
- Fol. 37r: Book 4, chapter 4, v. 4-43.
- Fol. 37v: Book 4, chapter 4, v. 44-83.
- Edition Jan van Boendale, Der leken spieghel. Leerdicht van den jare 1330, ed. by Matthias de Vries (Leiden: Du Mortier en Zoon, 1844), p. 249-253
Fragments were presumably used in a book binding; the exact host volume is unknown.
Jan van Boendale, Der leken spieghel. Leerdicht van den jare 1330, ed. by Matthias de Vries (Leiden: Du Mortier en Zoon, 1844)