General Information
Northern gothica textualis formata.
Original Condition
Numbering in Roman numerals in upper right corner of recto side ('iiij xx xiii').
The bifolium was the inner bifolium of the quire.
Current Condition
Half of fol. [92] has been lost, but fol. 93 has is still complete. The bifolium was cut in half but has been restored with adhesive tape.
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
Plain initials, alternately in red and blue ink. Red rubrication.
- Content Item
- Text Language Latin
- Title Missal
- Content Description
- Fol. [92]r: Reading from John 10: 28-36.
- Fol. [92]v: Reading from Daniel 3: 35-40.
- Fol. 93r: Continuation of reading from Daniel 3: 40-45 with responsory verse; reading from John 7: 40-49.
- Fol. 93v: Continuation of reading from John 7:49-53; offertory, secret, communion. Psalm and Collect to a Friday Mass.
Several previous owners of the host volume can be identified through owners' marks on fol. 1r of the host volume. These are, among others: Pierre Heyndrycx, from Courtrai (1604); Huybrecht van der Haeghen, from Hamme (1684); and Barbara Snel (residence and year unknown).
Host Volume
The bifolium was cut up and used in the binding of the host volume. The fragment was removed from the binding and restored to its original size in 1969.