Durandus de Sancto Porciano, Commentarius in 4 Sententiarum (Redactio A/B)
Distinctio 23, quaestiones 2 et 3

General Information
At one point the host volume appear to have been owned by Thomas Rompserius de Leodio (Thomas Rompserius of Liege); See first blank leaf of host volume.
Host Volume
The book: Saint Thomas Aquinas Prima pars Summe sacre theologie Angelici Doctoris Sancti Thome de Aquino ...Tertia pars Summe Angelici Doctoris Sancti Thome de Aquino ordinis predicatorij : cum concordantijs marginalibus. In-folio (4), (14), 148 ff - 225, (1) ff.sign. : *4, AA8, BB6, A-R8, S-T6, - a-y8, c¸8, [et]8, [con]8, [rum]8, A-C6. (C5 missing, C6 blank)
Printer: Octaviani Scoti, Venice, 1516. The
Binding: Contemporary calf over wood panel, clasps, central panel with rhombus-shaped fleuron design, two brass guides, two brass corner pieces, five spine compartments, floral fleuron in blind for each. Endpaper consisting in two folios of a manuscript. (14th c. ?) On first blank leave, ex-libris (16th c.) : Thomas Roysen de Leodio me possedat. (?) Another scratched ex-libris : Liber p…. c…..
Private collection, Thierry Boillot, Bibliotheca Textoriana, Paris, France.
Comments: Work composed of a table of the edition of Octaviano Scotti, 1522 (4 leaves sign. *4) then of the complete prima pars in 148 folios with the colophon of Venetijs: mandato & expensis heredum ... Octauiani Scoti ... 15 Octobris 1516, followed by tertia pars, from the edition of Octaviani Scoti November 1516, without the colophon but with the last white folio (Venetijs : mandato & expensis heredum ... Octauiani Scoti ..., 26 november 1516). in 225 ff. (F° 225 missing).