Vita Sancti Antonii (Legenda prima, 12.3-4 and 17.7-9)

General Information
The dating is based on the appearance of a square, double-chambered a, the double-looped g, and the apparently exclusive use of the uncial d form. The square aspect of the script, with extremely short descenders (in relation to the body) argues for a Central European origin.
Original Condition
None visible
Measurements are approximate, within about 10%.
Current Condition
The fragment is a strip covering the part of the board closest to the spine, probably over the channels. A paper pastedown was then applied to the entire board.
Currently, the boards are entirely detached from the bookblock.
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
Rubrication is visible on the left (vero) side of the bifolium; on the right, some letters (Q in Quod, A in Anthonium) have been highlighted with rubric.
Content Item
- Text Language Latin
- Title Vita Sancti Anthonii (Legenda prima)
Content Description
The visible text corresponds to the Legenda prima version of the life of St. Anthony, par. 12.3-4 (a) and 17.7-9 (b) in de Kerval's edition, pages 46 and 55 respectively:
column a: <sig>num vivifice crucis inpressit: fugato quod hu<mani gen>eris inimico confestim levamen sensit; <cumque f>ugientem cernere cupiens oculos aperui<sset, ecce> tota cella in qua iacebat luce celitus <illustrata fulgebat> Quod nimirum lumen divi<nae>
column b: Antonium <hoc velle cernebant, inviti facto> cesserunt. <Cumque iam appropinquasset civita>ti, occurrit <ei frater Innotus, qui visitandi gratia> ibat ad v<irum Dei, quem cum nimia infirmita>te cerneret ag<gravatum, rogare cepit ut ad Cellam> diverteret in <domum fratrum. Erant enim ibi fratres prope> monasterium <Dominarum Pauperum commorantes et iux>ta cons<uetudinem ordinis divina illis mi>nistra<ntes>
The one significant variant is in column a: tota cella in qua iacebat, which agrees with the Lucerne manuscript used by de Kerval, as opposed to the Alcobaça Ms. (tota in qua iacebat cella) or the Paris Ms. (tota illa cella in qua iacebat).
The distance between the two passages in the edition of the Legenda prima leads to the supposition that this is a legendary containing part of Anthony's vita rather than a full copy of the Legenda.
- Edition Sancti Antonii de Padua vitae duae quarum altera hucusque inedita, ed. Léon de Kerval, Paris 1905.
The de Kerval edition is available on Archive.org: ark:/13960/t5w69vc7c
As can be seen from the markings on the frontispiece, the host volume was at the Jesuit Gymnasium in Osnabrück 1625 (as can been seen on the frontispiece), from whence it was sent to the library of the Jesuit Convent of Florianapolis (on Santa Catarina), from which it was then sent to the library of the (Jesuit) College of the Immaculate Conception in São Leopoldo, and is now collected in the Memorial Jesuíta of the UNISINOS. Previous shelfmarks include T,p. I 1/1 (on the cover and the frontispiece), and V/1/1 (on the frontispiece, in the same ink as the Florianopolis stamp).
Host Volume
Volume identifiers: OCLC 65570352
The Swedish Royal Library copy has been digitized: https://books.google.ch/books/download/Tomvs_Opervm_Divi_Avrelii_Avgvstini_Epis.pdf?id=mqj64N6VF9MC&output=pdf
This volume has suffered greatly.