

Elbląg, Biblioteka Elbląska im. C. Norwida, Inc.24 (inw. 69)

Remarks by the Editor

With collaboration of Ewa Chlebus

General Information

Title Missal
Shelfmarks Inc.24 (inw. 69)
Former Shelfmarks Inc.II.30
Material Parchment

Original Condition

Width of Written Area 184 mm
Number of Columns 2
Width of Columns 80 – 90 mm
Line Height 10 mm

Current Condition

Dimensions 70 x 204 mm; 36 x 203 mm

Book Decoration and Musical Notation


Red and blue lombards; rubrics

  • Musical Notation

    German-Messine contact neumes; 4-line red staff; clefs c and g (Cistercians in Pelplin?)

  • Content

    • Content Item
      • Content Description

        Front flange:
        col. a: [Secreta. Prosit, quesumus, Domine]; Complenda;
        col. b: In commemorationibus in cimiterio. Deus, in cuius miseratione anime fidelium requiescunt]; Secreta: Pro animabus
        col. a: Apokalipsis 13:14;
        col. b: John 6:39  

        Back flange:
        col. a: [Andreae] [Sequence: Deus in tua virtute sanctus Andreas] (Can ah53122);
        col. b: Sequence: Gloriosa fulget dies] (Can ah54089)
        col. a: [Sequence de sancta Elysabeth Hung.: Gaude Syon qui egressus] (Can ah55120);
        col. b: Sequence de Sancta Catherina: Sanctissime virginis votiva festa] (Can ah55203).

      • flange_front_r



    The host volume belonged to the library of the Elbląg Gymnasium. Founded in 1535, the Gymnasium was the oldest school of this type in Prussia and, for that matter, the Kingdom of Poland. The library was established in 1601. Most of the collection passed into possession of the modern Elbląg Library.

    Host Volume

    Title Pelbartus de Themeswar, Sermones Pomerii de sanctis
    Date of Origin/Publication 20.II.1499
    Place of Origin/Publication Hagenau: Henr. Gran pro Io. Rynman
    Shelfmark Inc.24

    The binding produced by a bindery known as Elbing II


    • P. Pludra-Żuk, Reconstructing Book Collections of Medieval Elbląg, 'Fragmentology' 4:2021, 64, 74.