

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Free Library of Philadelphia, Lewis E M 67:1

Remarks by the Editor

Based on work by Emma Leidy in 2023

General Information

Title Gradual
Material Parchment
Place of Origin Regensburg, Germany (?)
Script, Hands

Narrow Northern Textualis.

General Remarks

One of several surviving folios from a Gradual presumed to have been made near Regensburg in the late thirteenth century.

Original Condition

Page Height at least 507 mm
Page Width at least 344 mm
Number of Columns 1
Ruling Writing space indicated with red lines that extend to edge of page; second and penultimate text lines also extend into margin; upper and lower lines of fifth text line extend into margin.

Numbered "xv" in Roman numerals on left margin of verso (labelled "front" by library.)

Current Condition

Dimensions 507 x 344 mm

Book Decoration and Musical Notation


Historiated initial for festal introit, depicting Nativity. Other chants begin with green or red initial with red or blue penwork, two text-lines in height; verses in a tall narrow black initial touched with red.

  • Musical Notation

    Square notation on red four-line staff (nine per page). Occasional red lines breaking up melismas. Narrow clefs and small custodes resembling upward liquescents, both ouside of main written space.

  • History


    Speculated to have been made for a Dominican convent near Regensburg (see the description for a related leaf: