Book of Hours (Use of Rome?)

Hours of the Virgin, Matins


Columbia, SC, University of South Carolina, Fifty Original Leaves of Medieval Manuscripts (Set 27), no. 36

General Information

Title Book of Hours (Use of Rome?)
Material Parchment
Place of Origin Northwestern France

Original Condition

Page Height at least 115 mm
Page Width at least 80 mm
Height of Written Area at least 49 mm
Width of Written Area at least 33 mm
Number of Columns 1
Number of Lines at least 13

Current Condition

Dimensions 115 x 80 (49 x 33) mm

Book Decoration and Musical Notation


One-to-two line initials throughout in gold on red with blue infill or vice versa, with white filigree highlights. Line-fillers throughout in similar scheme.



Written in NW France (likely use of Rome).


Broken by Otto and Louise Ege in the 1940s. Many leaves became no. 36 in their "Fifty Original Leaves of Medieval Manuscripts" portfolios.