Music for Holy Week reading


St. Catharines, Ontario, Brock University Library - Archives and Special Collections

General Information

Title Music for Holy Week reading
Shelfmarks RG 394
Material Parchment
Place of Origin Spain
Date of Origin 16th century
Script, Hands

Southern texualis praescissa; an earlier (pregothica?) hand may be seen as an offset running vertically up the page. Both hands seem to havd some Iberian characteristics.

General Remarks

Thick parchment; some discoloration on page edge. Location of offset suggests this may have been the opening page of a fairly tightly bound volume of liturgical material for Holy Week.

Original Condition

Page Height at least 264 mm
Page Width at least 185 mm
Number of Columns 1
Ruling Double ruled margin on either side.

Current Condition

Dimensions 264 mm x 185 mm

Book Decoration and Musical Notation


Initial P, height of two staves, inside a rectangle; letter is in solid red, with black, blocky foliage filling in the rectangle in the manner of a woodblock. A vine motif goes into the margin.

  • Musical Notation

    Five five-line red staves. Square notation with long, thin stems (two for liquescents). Thin dividing lines between words, and double divisions between chants. F clef in three lozenge shpes; downward custodes.