Music for Holy Week reading
General Information
Southern texualis praescissa; an earlier (pregothica?) hand may be seen as an offset running vertically up the page. Both hands seem to havd some Iberian characteristics.
Thick parchment; some discoloration on page edge. Location of offset suggests this may have been the opening page of a fairly tightly bound volume of liturgical material for Holy Week.
Original Condition
Current Condition
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
Initial P, height of two staves, inside a rectangle; letter is in solid red, with black, blocky foliage filling in the rectangle in the manner of a woodblock. A vine motif goes into the margin.
Five five-line red staves. Square notation with long, thin stems (two for liquescents). Thin dividing lines between words, and double divisions between chants. F clef in three lozenge shpes; downward custodes.