Thomas de Aquino, Catena aurea in Matthaeum
Caput 15, lectio 5
Description made during the Codicology I course of the Diplôme Européen d'Études Médiévales (DEEM), organised by the Fédération Internationale des Instituts d'Études Médiévales (FIDEM). Tutor: Adrian Papahagi.
General Information
One hand, Northern textualis gothica.
Note: crossed Tironian et; only round final s; limb of h extending below baseline; i dotted unsystematically.
Despite some differences in the script, the MS bears a strong resemblance to other MSS from this region, e.g.: Bernardus Claraevallensis, Epistolae (Fragment), Cluj-Napoca, Biblioteca Academiei Române, MS R. 1808, wrapper (
Original Condition
Double ruling lines seen in the margin of the first, middle (18th) and last line. No extant pricking.
Current Condition
Used as wrapper. Legible. Insignificant holes in the parchment. Spine fragment of parchment darker than cover. Two labels in the spine.
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
Rubricated auctores and highlighted initials (red).
Content Item
- Persons Thomas de Aquino
- Text Language Latin
- Title Catena aurea in Matthaeum
Content Description
Caput 15, lectio 5.
INC: (col. a:) ...[et Sydon]is, ut Tyrios Sydoniosque | [curaret]. Et ideo sequitur. Egressus...
EXPL: (col. b:) calumpniatoribus dare perfectamque | salutem gencium passionis et resur//[rectionis]... - Glosses and Additions Dimly written in right margin: Origenes, Ieromus.
- Edition S. THOMAE AQUINATIS Catena aurea in quatuor Evangelia, t. 1: Expositio in Matthaeum. Ed. A. GUARENTI (2ª ed.: Marietti, Taurini-Romae, 1953), p. 1-425.
Full transcript in the additional PDF file.
Unknown; the original codex may have belonged to the Dominican convent in Cluj (attested in 14th c.), and was probably reused as binding material in the 17th c., during the Reformation.
Host book owners in order (with possible dates):
- Residentia Monostoriensis SJ, Cluj (ca. 1670) [shelfmark: 59 A. 18];
- Bibliotheca Lycei Regii Claudiopolitani, Cluj (1786-1872) [shelfmark: N. 7 T. 6];
- Romai Katholikus Lyceum Könyvtár Kolozsvártt, Cluj-Napoca (1872-1952) [shelfmark: 7 H. 37];
- Biblioteca Academiei Române Cluj-Napoca (1952-now) [shelfmark: C. 59131].
The original codex could presumably be part of a Dominican collection, as it contained one of the most popular exegetic works of Thomas Aquinas, OP, which was also very useful for preaching. The original MS was probably used as binding waste after the expulsion of the Dominicans from Cluj, in the year 1556. The Jesuits used it in the 17th c. for binding a book printed in 1615.
The host volume belonged originally to the Jesuits, and was kept in their outpost in Cluj-Mănăștur (cf. ownership note on the title page: Residentia Monostoriensis 1670, shelfmark: 59 A. 18, both written in the same hand and ink). The book may have been wrapped in the parchment fragment around the same time (cf. label in the spine: Smiglecius De erroribus Arianorum).
The volume was transmitted to the successors of the Jesuit school (cf. ownership note on the title page: Bibliothecae Lycei Regii Claudiopolitani 1834, shelfmark: N. 7 T. 6, both written in the same hand and ink; the same shelfmark, written in red, is visible on the front pastedown, both shelfmarks are crossed out).
The Lyceum was closed in 1872 (in its place, the Royal Hungarian University of Cluj was founded), and the host book was handed over to the Hungarian Roman Catholic Lyceum (cf. stamp on the title page: Romai Katholikus Lyceum Könyvtár Kolozsvártt, label in the shelfmark: 7 H. 37; the label looks new and fine, so it was surely attached in the late-19th or early-20th c.).
After World War II, the host volume became part of the Romanian Academy Library in Cluj (cf. stamp on the title page: Academia Republicii Populare Române, Biblioteca Filialei Cluj; further: 59131/1952).
Host Volume
Two labels are on the spine: the upper one bears the title: Smiglecius De erroribus Arianorum (17th c.); the lower one bears an old shelfmark: 7 H. 37 (19th c.)