Utopia, armarium codicum bibliophilorum

Anna de Bakker, DACT, 2021 (Born Digital)
General Information
Title Hymnal
Material Parchment
Date of Origin after 1632
Original Condition
Height of Written Area 620 – 650 mm
Width of Written Area 390 mm
Number of Columns 1
Current Condition
Dimensions 710x 500 mm
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
Opening letters of each hymn are red and blue puzzle initials inside decorated boxes with sawtooth borders. Verse opening initials are similar have single-colour lombard-style letters.
Square notation on a red five-line staff, six per page. Clef formed from three lozenges. Faint lines of division between each hymn line. Note shapes limited to virga, punctum, and lozenge shapes.
The hymns text are those of Urban VIII's hymn revisions (after 1631).
Acquired in 1940s or earlier.