Gottschalk Antiphonal
481.51.5: Feast of St. Agatha (5 February), matins; 481.51.7: Annunciation (25 March), from the first nocturn of matins to lauds.
General Information
Written in late Caroline minuscule by Gottschalk, a scribe at Lambach in the twelfth and early thirteenth century
Interlinear neumes in the St. Gall style; tonary letters are written in the outer margin of each folio drawn on tiers of a column representing architectural support.
Original Condition
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
The responsorial liturgy of most feasts begins with a 3- to 5-line initial in red with red vine-stem decoration and violet bands and foliage drawn by Gottschalk; 1-line red capitals are present in many antiphons as are 1-line initials of responses in thick brown uncials traced or dotted with red; rubrics written in red rustic capitals.
Written and decorated by Gottschalk of Lambach in the last quarter of the twelfth century at the Stiftsbibliothek Lambach, in Upper Austria
Broken for binding scrap at the Lambach bindery in the 15th century. Leaves used as flyleaves and pastedowns in Lambach incunables. The leaves were removed sometime during WWII and were eventually purchased by the Swiss dealer Hans Zinniker. The Beinecke leaves were acquired from New York dealer Hans P. Kraus in 1965.