
Passio Sabastiani et comitum


Leuven, Archief van de Abdij van Park, VIIIB20/107b

Remarks by the Editor

Identification of the text made possible thanks to information provided by Prof. Juan A. Estévez Sola.

General Information

Title Lectionary
Shelfmarks Leuven, Archief van de Abdij van Park, VIIIB20/107b
Material Parchment
Date of Origin 12th century
Script, Hands


Original Condition

Page Height 300 mm
Page Width at least 34 mm
Height of Written Area 225 mm
Width of Written Area at least 34 mm
Number of Lines 29
Line Height 8 – 9 mm
Ruling Full lead-point ruling
More about the Condition

Prickings visible in inner margin.

The fragment has been trimmed down to a strip. The original width is unknown.

Current Condition

Extent 1 strip
Dimensions 300 x 34 mm
More about the Current Condition

Fragment was part of same manuscript as Leuven, Archief van de Abdij van Park, VIIIB20/107a (F-7uhk).

Book Decoration and Musical Notation


Blue plain initials with red penwork (fol. [1]r); red rubrication (fol. [1]v).


  • Content Item
    • Text Language Latin
    • Title Lectionary
    • Content Description
      • Fol. [1]v contains part of Passio Sabastiani et comitum (BHL 7543; CC SL, 171, p. 624-625, par. 97).
    • Fol. [1]r
    • Edition Yarza Urquiola, Valeriano, ed., Passionarum Hispanicum, Corpus Christianorum. Series Latina, 171 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2020), x, 583-627
    • Remarks

      Fragment was part of a lectionary; the other preserved fragment from this manuscript contains a letter from St Hieronymus of Stridon ('Ad Paulam et Eustochium'). 



Fragment was used in book binding, alongside VIIIB20/107a. The exact host volume is unknown.