Is. 12-38, Ps. 148-150
General Information
A competent Northern Gothic bookhand, with extremely short descenders on the ps and qs, bowed hs descending below the line, elongated second i in series (ij) and figure-eight gs. The as are mostly double-bowed (some are block as), with the top bow closing. Only uncial ds are visible, and the ascender is also extremely short. There is very little abbreviation. Notworthy is the three-stroked ("lightning bolt") abbreviation of er in terra (Fragment 1 Outside, upside down).
Fragments 1 and 2 constitute the headband of the binding, and Fragment 3 the tailband.
Outside and Inside are used with relation to the book: The "Outside" face of a fragment is the side facing the cover, and the "Inside" is the side facing the book. Fragment 3 Inside is not visible. It is possible that the upside-down part of the outside fragments is the inside folded over, through the stitching.
It is not clear that Fragment 3 is in the same hand as Fragments 1 and 2.
Original Condition
Height estimate by the presence of filigrees and gold from capitals on the same page. Width estimate is based on a calculation of column width from Fragment 1 Inside, taking the five rows with known content (altabit sancti in gloria...populis), and dividing the visible width by the number of letters and spaces they represent, then multiplying the result by the total number of letters and spaces on the line. The result was a range from 28.0 mm (line beginning <nation>ibus) to 31.5mm (line beginning altabit sanc>ti).
Line height is from measuring five lines on Fragment 1 Inside, dividing by 5. More precisely, line height is ~3.3 mm.
Current Condition
Fragments 1 and 2 are almost certainly folded over at the stitching. Fragment 3 may be the center of a bifolium. The poor condition of the host volume (with worm and termite holes, frass, and related damage) made precise measurement difficult.
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
Alternating blue and red rubrics. Some of the blue rubrics have worn off, such as Fragment 2 Outside (upside down) N in non. Blue capital with red filigrees on Fragment 3 Inside; Red filigrees are also visible on Fragment 1 Outside (upside down). Fragment 2 Inside has a large gold initial E that probably was historiated (The prophet with a halo?). Gold is also visible on Fragment 2 Outside.
Content Item
- Text Language Latin
- Title Bibla sacra
Content Description
<Do>minus et factus <est mihi in salu>/ tem. Haurietis aquas <in gaudio de>/ fontibus salvatoris et.
E<t dices in die ille/ c>onfite<bor tibi Domi>/ ne q<uoniam iratus>/ es <mihi conversus>/ est <furor tuus et>/ co<nsulatus es me>/ E<cce Deus salvator>
<viven>tium <N>on aspiciam ho<minem/ ultr>a et habitatorem quie<tis>/
<Lau>date dominum de terra <dracones et omnes>/ abyssi. Ignis grando nix
<exaltab>it mansuetos in salutem <Ex/ altabit sanc>ti in gloria; letabuntur in cu/ <bilibus su>is Exaltationes Dei in gutture/ <eorum et> gladii ancipites in manibus/ <eorum ad> faciendum vindictam in/ <nation>ibus increpationes in populis
<g>loria hec est omnibus sanctis/ <eius alleluia. Lau>date dominum [spat. vac.] eius;/ laudate eum in firmamen<to>
Possibly includes Gn. 40:13-14: Ante <facere consueveras tantum> memento mei
Stamp of the Theological Library of the Jesuit Mission to Brazil on the Host Volume's frontispiece.
Host Volume
Facsimile available at Google Books.