Ps-Johannes Chrysostomus, Opus imperfectum in Matthaeum, 34


Cluj-Napoca, Biblioteca Academiei Române, Cod. Lat. 8

General Information

Title Ps-Johannes Chrysostomus, Opus imperfectum in Matthaeum, 34
Material Parchment
Place of Origin S. Italy
Date of Origin 1000-1050
Script, Hands

One hand. The script lacks the consummate formalism displayed by Monte Cassino homiliaries: the treatment of the minims is considerably less manneristic; the characteristic shape of letters c, r, s and the punctuation also differ from the Desiderian and Oderisian production at Monte Cassino.

Note the rounded appearance of such letters as d and o, the short final r, the vertical 3-shaped stroke for the abbreviation of m, the broken c, the profusion of circumflex and acute accents, and the peculiar use of the 2-shaped question mark.

All these point away from Monte Cassino, and possibly to centres like Capua or Benevento.

Original Condition

Page Height 400 – 420 mm
Page Width 270 – 280 mm
Height of Written Area 340 – 350 mm
Width of Written Area at least 230 mm
Number of Columns 2
Width of Columns at least 105 mm
Number of Lines 38 – 40
Line Height 8 – 9 mm
Ruling drypoint ruling; no extant prickings

Current Condition

Dimensions 302 x 220 mm

Book Decoration and Musical Notation


Highlighted initials (1 line, red).


  • Content Item
    • Persons Ps-Johannes Chrysostomos
    • Text Language Latin
    • Title Opus imperfectum in Matthaeum
    • Content Description

      The passage transmitted by the fragment in Cluj corresponds to homily 34 (PG 56: 817-818).

      The beginning of the passage, on fol. 72v, can only be divined. It starts somewhere in the middle the sentence “Opera autem nostra sunt opera iustitiae: non ut agros nostros colamus, et vineas: non ut divitias acquiramus, et congregemus honores sed ut proximis proximus.” (PG 56: 817, ll. 63-66). A few words from the beginning of the next sentence become legible on the third line of fol. 72va: “quamvis hec...” (PG 56: 817, l. 66).

      The final lines on fol. 72r are quite legible:                                        

      Si ui|<dua> es, noli transire ad sec|<un> das & tercias nupcias, &| <ope> rata <es castita>tis uite|<m>. (PG 56: 818, ll. 67-69)  

    • 72v
    • Edition PG 56: 817-818



S. Italy

Host Volume

Title Cicero, Somnium Scipionis (2r‐5v); Macrobius, In Somnium Scipionis (6r‐69r)
Date of Origin/Publication 1450-1500
Place of Origin/Publication S. Italy
Shelfmark Cod. Lat. 8
Page/Folio Reference: f. 72
Persons Scribe: ‘pater Georgius scripsit sibi ac cui bona fortuna concedit <add. altera manu> videlicet domino Jacobo Pechiaro (?)’ (f. 69r). The MS was purchased in 1856 by the Transylvanian scholar Timotei Cipariu (stamp) from the antiquarian Schratt, in Vienna, 1856.

Modern cardboard binding (s. XIX).


  • Sigismund Jakó, "Codicele latine medievale din biblioteca lui Timotei Cipariu", Revista arhivelor 10 (1967), 35-72, at 64.

  • Virginia Brown, "A Second New List of Beneventan Manuscripts (I)", Mediaeval Studies 40 (1978), 239-89, at 280, reprinted in Virginia Brown, Beneventan Discoveries: Collected Manuscript Catalogues, 1978-2008, ed. Roger E. Reynolds (Monumenta Liturgica Beneventana 6), Toronto, 2012, 44.

  • AA. VV., Bibliografia dei manoscritti in scrittura beneventana, Rome: Viella, 1990–, and online at: – CLF 8.

  • Adrian Papahagi, Adinel-Ciprian Dincă, with Andreea Mârza, Manuscrisele medievale occidentale din România. Census, Iași: Polirom, 2018,p. 139, nr 387.