Gratianus, Decretum (cum apparatu Bartholomaei Brixiensis)

Decretum Gratiani pars secunda


Sansepolcro, Archivio Storico Diocesano, Archivio Vescovile, Pergamene, busta 3, n.11

General Information

Title Gratianus, Decretum (cum apparatu Bartholomaei Brixiensis)
Shelfmarks Archivio Vescovile, Pergamene, busta 3, n.11
Former Shelfmarks 29 n. XVIII memorie
Material Parchment
Place of Origin Venice
Date of Origin 1477
Persons Nicolaus Jenson, printer
Script, Hands


General Remarks

The leaf underwent restoration in the 1980's, when the archive was under the supervision of Monsignor Ercole Agnoletti. The parchment wrapper was detached from the host volume, stretched, and repaired with Japanese paper.

Current Condition

Dimensions 370 x 280 mm

Book Decoration and Musical Notation


Initials (2-line) and paragraph signs in red, added by hand.


  • Content Item
    • Content Description

      Decretum Gratiani pars secunda, Causa XXXII, Quaestio IV, Cap. II, III, IV, V

      Recto. Incipit: "In istis tribus inuenimus parere liberas, parere ancillas.

      Explicit: Maledicta sterilis, que non reliquerit semen suum super terram"

      Verso Incipit: "hinc etiam sacerdotibus coniugia decreta sunt,

      Explicit: Cap. V. Nihil fedius est quam amare uxorem quasi adulteram”. 

    • Glosses and Additions Bartholomaeus Brixiensis
    • Edition Goff G366, ISTC ig00366000

Host Volume

Title Libro de’ partiti et memorie
Date of Origin/Publication s.XVI
Place of Origin/Publication Sansepolcro
Shelfmark 29 n. XVIII memorie