Noted missal


Gent, Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal en Letteren, KANTL.HS.4

General Information

Title Noted missal
Shelfmarks Gent, Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal en Letteren, KANTL.HS.4
Page/Folio Reference cover
Material Parchment
Date of Origin second half 13th century
Script, Hands

Northern gothica textualis formata, in multiple hands (chants written in a smaller size than the main text).

Original Condition

Page Height 381 mm
Page Width 298 mm
Height of Written Area 280 mm
Width of Written Area 200 mm
Number of Columns 2
Width of Columns 93 mm
Number of Lines 31
Line Height 8 – 9 mm
Ruling Full lead-point ruling

Medieval foliation in upper margin of verso side, using Roman numerals ('lxiij').

More about the Condition

Prickings visible in outer margin.

Current Condition

Extent 1 leaf (in situ)
Dimensions 381 x 298 mm
More about the Current Condition

The part of the leaf that was used as the lower cover has suffered some water damage.

Book Decoration and Musical Notation


Pen-flourished plain initials, alternately in red and blue ink, with marginal extensions. Red rubrication, red colour stroking.

  • Musical Notation

    Neumatic notation (Hufnagelschrift) on staves of four red lines.

  • Content

    • Content Item
      • Text Language Latin
      • Title Noted missal
      • Content Description
        • Fol. 63r:
          • Reading from John 11:32-45
          • Offertory chant 'Populum humilem salvum facies' (CantusID g01171).
          • Secret
          • Communio and postcommunio
          • Introit 'Sitientes venite ad aquas' (CantusID g00795, continues on fol. 63v)
        • Fol. 63v:
          • Collect
          • Reading from Isaiah 49:8-15
          • Responsory
          • Reading from John 8:12-14 (defective)
      • fol. 63v, upper half (lower cover inside)

    Host Volume

    Title Caerte der Rederijkkamer 'De Roos' te Loven, Anno 1554
    Date of Origin/Publication 3 April 1554
    Place of Origin/Publication Leuven
    Shelfmark Gent, Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal en Letteren, KANTL.HS.4

    Fragment was used as the cover for 16th-century copy of the privileges granted to the Leuven-based chamber of rhetoric 'De Roos'.