Missale plenum
Solothurn, Zentralbibliothek Solothurn, ZBS S I 853 A 14
Ann-Kathrin Deininger, Zentralbibliothek Solothurn (2023) (Born Digital)
General Information
Title Missale plenum
Shelfmarks ZBS S I 853 A.14
Page/Folio Reference 8 strips
Material Parchment
Script, Hands
early gothic bookhand (hand 1); textualis (hand 2, later addition, strip 8)
Original Condition
Page Height 300 – 320 mm
Page Width 183 – 200 mm
Height of Written Area 224 – 235 mm
Width of Written Area 132 – 144 mm
Number of Columns 1
Current Condition
Extent 8 strips cut from 7 bifolia
Dimensions ca. 281-287 x 62-69 mm
More about the Current Condition
7 strips written in early gothic bookhand (hand 1), 1 column, brown ink - strip 8 partly in a more narrow early gothic bookhand by the same hand, 1 column, brown ink; partly in textualis (later addition, hand 2), 2 columns, black ink
Book Decoration and Musical Notation
Initial 'A' multi-colored (red, blue, green), figurative pen-and-ink drawing depicting a head and tendril motifs
musical notations in smaller script with neumes
Host Volume
Title Prima [-undecima] pars librorum divi Aurelii Augustini quos edidit cathecuminus: ; Acc. Possidonius de vita Augustini]
Date of Origin/Publication 1506
Place of Origin/Publication Basel
Shelfmark ZBS B I 2bis 4, ZBS B I 2bis 5, ZBS B I 2bis 8, ZBS B I 2bis 9, ZBS B I 2bis 10